Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper Canada Post (meaning+what to do)

Have you ever tracked a package and seen the status “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” on Canada Post’s website? If so, you might have wondered what it means and why your package seems stuck at this stage. Don’t worry – you’re not alone, and we’re here to clear things up.

This status is often the first update you’ll see when tracking a package, but it can be a bit misleading. In simple terms, it means that the sender has told Canada Post about your package, but the post office doesn’t actually have it yet. It’s like calling a restaurant to make a reservation – you’ve given them your information, but you haven’t arrived at the restaurant yet.

In this guide, we’ll break down what this status really means, why you might see it for a while, and what to expect next. Whether you’re waiting for a package or sending one yourself, understanding this step in the shipping process can save you a lot of worry and help you plan better. So, let’s dive in and demystify this common but often misunderstood tracking status.

Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” on Canada Post tracking means the sender has provided package details to Canada Post, but the physical package hasn’t been received yet. This status is the first step in the shipping process and can last from a few hours to several days. It doesn’t mean your package is in transit; it’s simply awaiting pickup or drop-off at a Canada Post facility

What Does “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” Mean?

When you see the status “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” on your Canada Post tracking, it indicates that the sender has taken the first step in the shipping process. The shipper has provided Canada Post with essential details about your package, including the destination address, package weight, type of item, and the shipping service selected.

This status is basically a heads-up that your package is about to enter the Canada Post system. It’s worth noting that at this point, Canada Post hasn’t physically received your package yet. The shipper has simply transmitted the electronic data about the shipment to Canada Post’s system.

As someone who frequently uses Canada Post for both sending and receiving packages, I can tell you that this status is just the beginning of your package’s journey. It’s like the starter’s pistol in a race – the information has been submitted, but the actual race (or in this case, the shipping process) hasn’t quite begun.

Key Takeaways

  • “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” means the sender has provided package details to Canada Post.
  • This status is the first step in the shipping process before Canada Post physically receives the package.
  • The status can last from a few hours to several days.
  • Accurate measurement and weighing of parcels are crucial for smooth shipping.
  • Canada Post offers various resources to help shippers, including online tools and customer support.
  • If the status persists for more than a week, contact the shipper or Canada Post for more information.

Understanding the Status

To give you a clearer picture, let’s break down what this status really means:

  1. Initial Submission: The term signifies that the shipper has initiated the shipping process by submitting the necessary details electronically. The package itself may still be with the sender, awaiting pickup by Canada Post.
  2. Not Yet in Transit: It’s crucial to understand that this status doesn’t mean your package is already on its way. In fact, it might still be sitting in the sender’s warehouse or office.
  3. First Step in the Process: Think of this as the digital handshake between the shipper and Canada Post, setting the stage for the physical journey of your package.

As the old saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” In this case, the electronic information submission is the first step for your package.

How Does This Status Fit into the Canada Post Shipping Process?

To give you a clearer picture, let’s break down the typical stages of a Canada Post shipment:

  1. Electronic Information Submitted: The shipper provides package details to Canada Post.
  2. Package Picked Up/Dropped Off: The package physically enters the Canada Post system.
  3. In Transit: The package moves through various sorting facilities.
  4. Out for Delivery: The package is on its way to its final destination.
  5. Delivered: The package reaches its recipient.

As you can see, the “Electronic Information Submitted” status is just the first step in a multi-stage process. It’s the digital handshake between the shipper and Canada Post, setting the stage for the physical journey of your package.

Why Might Your Package Show This Status?

There are several reasons why your package might be showing the “Electronic Information Submitted” status:

  1. Awaiting Pickup: The shipper has prepared the package and submitted the information, but Canada Post hasn’t picked it up yet.
  2. Processing Delay: There might be a delay between the information submission and the physical acceptance of the package by Canada Post.
  3. System Update Lag: Sometimes, there can be a delay in updating the tracking information, even if the package has moved to the next stage. This could be due to technical issues causing the tracking status to remain unchanged even after the package has been picked up.

In my experience, this status often appears when businesses prepare shipments in batches. They might submit the electronic information for multiple packages at once, even if the physical handover to Canada Post won’t happen until later.

How Long Does This Status Usually Last?

The duration of the “Electronic Information Submitted” status can vary widely. In some cases, it might only last a few hours before the package is picked up and scanned into the Canada Post system. In other instances, it could persist for several days.

Generally, you should expect to see an update within 2-4 business days after the electronic information is submitted. If the status remains unchanged for longer than a week, it might be worth contacting the shipper to ensure there hasn’t been a delay or issue with your package.

How Long Should I Wait Before Contacting the Sender?

As a rule of thumb, it’s advisable to wait about 5-7 business days before reaching out to the sender if the status hasn’t changed. This timeframe allows for potential processing delays and accounts for weekends or holidays that might affect shipping schedules.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to shipping. As the old saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and neither is a reliable shipping process. Each step, including this initial electronic submission, plays a crucial role in ensuring your package reaches its destination safely and efficiently.

What Should I Do If the Package Hasn’t Reached the Canada Post Facility After Several Days?

If it’s been more than a week and the status hasn’t been updated, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Contact the Sender: Reach out to the shipper to verify if they’ve actually handed over the package to Canada Post. Sometimes, there might be a delay on their end.
  2. Check with Canada Post: You can contact Canada Post customer service to see if they have any additional information about your package.
  3. Verify the Tracking Number: Double-check that you’re using the correct tracking number. A simple typo could lead you to track the wrong package.
  4. Be Patient: Sometimes, especially during busy periods, updates can be delayed. Your package might be moving through the system even if the tracking hasn’t been updated.

Can Technical Issues Cause the Status to Remain on “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper”?

Yes, technical issues can indeed cause the status to remain unchanged. These could include:

  • System Glitches: Occasionally, Canada Post’s tracking system might experience technical difficulties, leading to delayed updates.
  • Data Synchronization Issues: There might be a lag in syncing data between the shipper’s system and Canada Post’s tracking system.
  • Scanning Errors: If a package isn’t scanned properly at a Canada Post facility, the status might not update as expected.

In my experience, while these technical issues can occur, they’re relatively rare. More often than not, a persistent “Electronic Information Submitted” status is due to delays in the physical handling of the package rather than technical problems.

How Can You Ensure Accurate Electronic Information Submission?

If you’re the one sending a package, ensuring accurate electronic information submission is crucial. Here are some tips to help you get it right:

  1. Double-check all details: Make sure the recipient’s address is correct and complete.
  2. Measure and weigh accurately: Use a reliable scale and measuring tape to get precise dimensions and weight.
  3. Choose the right service: Select the appropriate shipping service based on your needs and the package characteristics.

How Can I Ensure the Package Details are Accurate to Avoid Delays?

Accuracy in package details is key to avoiding delays. Here are some additional steps you can take:

  • Use the Correct Postal Code: Double-check the postal code for the destination address. An incorrect postal code can significantly delay your package.
  • Include a Phone Number: If possible, include a contact phone number for the recipient. This can be helpful if there are any issues with delivery.
  • Be Specific with the Address: Include apartment numbers, suite numbers, or any other specific details that could help locate the recipient.
  • Declare Contents Accurately: If you’re shipping internationally, ensure you declare the contents of your package accurately to avoid customs delays.

Remember, as Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Taking the time to ensure all details are accurate can save you a lot of hassle down the line.

Measuring and Weighing Your Parcel

Accurate measurements and weight are crucial for correct shipping charges and to avoid delays. Here’s a quick guide:

Package Dimensions and Measurement
Dimension How to Measure
Length Longest side of the package.
Width Second-longest side.
Height Shortest side.
Weight Use a calibrated scale.

Remember to round up to the nearest whole number for dimensions and to the nearest 0.1 kg for weight.

What are the Common Reasons for Delays After the “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” Update?

Even after the electronic information is submitted, several factors can cause delays:

  1. High Volume Periods: During peak shipping seasons (like holidays), there might be a backlog of packages waiting to be processed.
  2. Weather Conditions: Severe weather can disrupt transportation and cause delays in package pickups and processing.
  3. Customs Clearance: For international shipments, customs procedures can add significant time to the process.
  4. Incomplete or Incorrect Information: If the shipper provides inaccurate or incomplete information, it can lead to processing delays.
  5. Operational Issues: Unexpected problems at sorting facilities or with transportation can cause delays.

As the saying goes, “Expect the unexpected.” While these delays can be frustrating, they’re often a normal part of the shipping process, especially during busy periods or when dealing with long-distance shipments.

What Resources Does Canada Post Offer for Shippers?

Canada Post provides several resources to help both occasional and frequent shippers:

  1. Online Shipping Tool: This tool allows you to create shipping labels, schedule pickups, and track shipments.
  2. Shipping Guidelines: These provide detailed information on how to properly package and label your items.
  3. Price Calculator: This tool helps you estimate shipping costs based on package details and destination.

As well as these online resources, Canada Post also offers customer service support for any queries or issues you might encounter during the shipping process.

How Does This Status Affect Estimated Delivery Times?

The “Electronic Information Submitted” status doesn’t typically affect the estimated delivery time provided by Canada Post. However, if this status persists for an extended period, it might delay the overall delivery process.

Canada Post’s delivery standards start from the date they physically receive the item, not from when the electronic information is submitted. So, while you might see this initial status for a few days, it doesn’t necessarily mean your package is delayed.

Are There Any Common Misconceptions About This Status?

There are a few misconceptions about the “Electronic Information Submitted” status that are worth clearing up:

Misconception Reality
The package is already in transit. The package may not have been physically handed over to Canada Post yet.
There’s a problem with the package. This status is a normal part of the shipping process.
The delivery countdown has started. Delivery estimates usually start from when Canada Post physically receives the item.


In conclusion, understanding the “Electronic Information Submitted By Shipper” status can help you better track your packages and manage your expectations. While it might seem like a small step, it’s an essential part of the shipping process that ensures your package is properly logged and ready for its journey through the Canada Post system.

Remember, shipping is a complex process with many moving parts. As the saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.” So, the next time you see this status, you’ll know exactly what it means and what to expect next.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “electronic information submitted by shipper” mean on Canada Post tracking?

This status means the shipper has provided Canada Post with the shipment details such as destination address, package weight, and service type. It indicates that the package information is in the system, but the physical parcel may not yet be in transit.

Why does my package show “electronic information submitted” for several days?

This status may persist due to delays between the shipper submitting the information and the actual handover of the package to Canada Post. It could also be due to data sync issues between the shipper’s system and Canada Post or the package still being in transit to a postal facility.

How accurate are the weight measurements at the post office compared to home scales?

Post office scales are usually more accurate because they are regularly calibrated and maintained. Home scales can vary in accuracy, leading to discrepancies. It’s recommended to double-check weights at the post office to ensure precise shipping charges and avoid delays.

What tools does Canada Post offer for calculating shipping costs?

Canada Post offers an Online Shipping Calculator, which helps estimate shipping costs based on package size, weight, and destination. This tool provides accurate cost estimates, allowing shippers to plan and budget effectively.

How do I measure and weigh a parcel correctly for Canada Post?

Use a measuring tape to determine the length, width, and height of the parcel. For irregularly shaped parcels, measure the longest and widest points. Weigh the parcel using a reliable, calibrated scale and record the weight in pounds or kilograms. Round up measurements to the nearest whole number and include additional packaging dimensions.

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